Sunday, June 21, 2009

HaPpY FaThEr'S DaY DAD!!!

since I am alone here at Snowbird at the moment, I thought I'd publicly say Happy Father's day to my wonderful Father! I could not ask for a better father than the one i already have. He is the most patient man I know. He makes the home a place of peace and refuge even when all his kids have moved out. Dad always seems to know what to do. He is always by my side when i need him helping me figure things out on my own and guiding me through difficult times. Dad, You have taught me so much.... riding my bike without training wheels, being grateful, respect for others and myself, patience, the value of work and Love. You have been there for me every step of the way both holding me close and letting me go. I am so Grateful for everything you are and everything you do!!

Happy Fathers Day DAD!!

I love you With all my heart!