Friday, August 27, 2010

Arizona/Grand Canyon Summer 2010

Finally life has gotten exciting enough to blog about it. The beginning of this summer was mostly spend working and working. Very boring at first halfway through i made new friends and had some adventures. I went cliff jumping 4 different times at porcupine Dam. Each visit being different with a drop in the water level. I also began going to play Ultimate Frisbee once or twice a week.

I finally got my flight to Arizona to spend two weeks soaking in the sun. My first week i mostly spent with my parents and i saw a couple friends a few times. Mom and i spent lots of time in the pool which felt really nice! mom, dad and I also took a visit to Box Canyon, which is about an hour and half drive. On Saturday I spent time with Jessica and we made tie dye shirts, along
with catching up on each others lives.

My favorite part of the vacation was the last week when Karrie (summer roommate), Roger, and Trevor took a road trip to AZ to see me! They are the ones that made the two week vacation worth while.
We went to...
Bahama Bucks

Mesa, Arizona Temple

Box Canyon
Hammock Time

Floating the Salt River in Mesa Camping was awesome! It had been way too long since the last time i'd been. The first day we set up camp, and took a few scenic trails up top the grand canyon. We scared my mom a lot by getting close looks off the rocks and climbing around... but we're all still kids and that's what makes it fun.

The second day my Father had a 7 hour hike planned The hike down to the bottom of the Grand canyon was great! Many picture, cool scenery. but the going back up the canyon was another story. It was probably the most exhausting hike i'd ever been on. I was walking so slow and still passing up people.. i'm still not sure how that was possible. I called it successful just for not having passed out. now that i'm not on the trail I can say it was worth it.

After the hike we all got showers! and then went to the main lodge to listen to the Grand canyon choir. (This was what got my dad the idea of camping at the Grand Canyons in the first place). Little did he know, he was going to join the choir for the night! Karrie got a laugh out of this. We all did.. I think he did better than some of the woman did in the choir.Both nights of camping we had really late dinners and we were all exhausted by then. But they sure were delicious. tinfoil dinners, corn on the cob, desserts.. Mmmm
Thanks Mom and Dad for making it such a great Vacation.!