Sunday, January 13, 2013

Yes, it is almost another year later and i'm finally back on here.  It has been a fairly uneventful year, however I'd like to highlight a few things.

During this last summer Whipple and I had a little bit of an adventure hiking. We hiked up to the Logan wind caves. going up the weather was perfect. just about to reach the top and the rain starts coming.  the jog down was cold and dirty but we had fun!  I took a few more pictures but we lost them :(

I Graduated this last year!!  As much as i wanted to celebrate this accomplishment more, we didn't have the opportunity.  USU doesn't do any ceremony until spring so I never walked, wore the gown, or got any pictures.  Whipple did take me out to dinner though which meant a lot.  My parents bought me a new laptop for graduation.  Thank you mom and dad!!  I am beyond grateful for my parents when it comes to my education.  Dad spend many late nights helping me do homework and being patient when I was just fussy.  Mom was always just a call away for moral support.  With help providing funds for my housing  I was able to graduate with no school loans. I now hope to get Whipple through his Bachelors without loans a well.
My new laptop with a few accessories I bought with Christmas money.
We decided to go small with the Christmas decorations this year.  I stole a few of my mom's collections when we put their stuff into traveling storage boxes.  using my mom's medium decorative tree I added a few wedding ornaments and ornaments I had made. expecting just a few presents by the tree we were surprised to fill the table with gifts.  Whipple's parents sent us a box of wrapped gifts that left no room on our little table.

During our Christmas break Whipple had a lot more time on his hands. he got pretty good at multitasking playing games and watching sports or games.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Walter Family Blog

I am working on updating my old blog and making it into our new Family blog.  This may take some time because it takes a long time for me to learn how to use blogspot.

First a little about us

I was born and raised in Utah, the youngest of 4 children.  Most of my growing years were spent in South Jordan, UT, in a home I can never forget.  A pretty big change and experience came when I moved with my parents to AZ  my junior year of high school.  It had its pros and cons but sometimes I really miss AZ. I am currently attending Utah State University with a major in Family Finance and a minor in personal financial planning.  My ultimate, and first choice career, is to be a mother, but i couldn't wait around doing nothing until that happened so I chose a degree which I found interesting and could benefit as a career or in my own home.  I am super excited to be graduating with my Bachelor's in December 2012.

Whipple was born and raised in Washington.  He often misses the rain and Utah's rain doesn't do justice.  In high school he and his family moved here to Logan, UT.  He played high school basketball and continues to play through community rec centers.  He loves it and I love watching him play.  Whipple served a 2 year full time and honorable mission in Hawaii.  It makes me giggle every time he says Hawaii or talks like he is in Hawaii.  Whipple is also attending Utah State University.  He is Majoring in Public Health and minoring in Chemistry and Biology. Sure is a lot of work and I am so proud of his hard work. He plans on going to dental school and would like to specialize in Orthodontics.  Ever since he was little he saw others with this career path and wanted to have the freedom and time it allotted for family. 

Whipple and I met through working at Little Ceasars.  Pizza Pizza!! We still both work there and enjoy it but look forward to moving on with our careers.  We dated for about two weeks before I went on a study abroad in Europe. We wrote or Skyped each other every day I was gone.  He says he knew he was going to marry me after the first date but it took a while longer for me to find out for myself. 

Whipple proposed near the Logan temple on August 21, 2011 and we were married in the Bountiful Temple December 17, 2011

Friday, August 27, 2010

Arizona/Grand Canyon Summer 2010

Finally life has gotten exciting enough to blog about it. The beginning of this summer was mostly spend working and working. Very boring at first halfway through i made new friends and had some adventures. I went cliff jumping 4 different times at porcupine Dam. Each visit being different with a drop in the water level. I also began going to play Ultimate Frisbee once or twice a week.

I finally got my flight to Arizona to spend two weeks soaking in the sun. My first week i mostly spent with my parents and i saw a couple friends a few times. Mom and i spent lots of time in the pool which felt really nice! mom, dad and I also took a visit to Box Canyon, which is about an hour and half drive. On Saturday I spent time with Jessica and we made tie dye shirts, along
with catching up on each others lives.

My favorite part of the vacation was the last week when Karrie (summer roommate), Roger, and Trevor took a road trip to AZ to see me! They are the ones that made the two week vacation worth while.
We went to...
Bahama Bucks

Mesa, Arizona Temple

Box Canyon
Hammock Time

Floating the Salt River in Mesa Camping was awesome! It had been way too long since the last time i'd been. The first day we set up camp, and took a few scenic trails up top the grand canyon. We scared my mom a lot by getting close looks off the rocks and climbing around... but we're all still kids and that's what makes it fun.

The second day my Father had a 7 hour hike planned The hike down to the bottom of the Grand canyon was great! Many picture, cool scenery. but the going back up the canyon was another story. It was probably the most exhausting hike i'd ever been on. I was walking so slow and still passing up people.. i'm still not sure how that was possible. I called it successful just for not having passed out. now that i'm not on the trail I can say it was worth it.

After the hike we all got showers! and then went to the main lodge to listen to the Grand canyon choir. (This was what got my dad the idea of camping at the Grand Canyons in the first place). Little did he know, he was going to join the choir for the night! Karrie got a laugh out of this. We all did.. I think he did better than some of the woman did in the choir.Both nights of camping we had really late dinners and we were all exhausted by then. But they sure were delicious. tinfoil dinners, corn on the cob, desserts.. Mmmm
Thanks Mom and Dad for making it such a great Vacation.!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well its obviously been a long while since i've posted. I will back up a little. Not long before summer came to an End I spent quite a bit of time at my Grandpa's bedside. He had suffered a stroke one Sunday morning and in recovery when two weeks later we were told that he may not make it through the night. The Lord had blessed me in a couple different ways this same week and I could see how he had guided me to be where I needed to be. I worked daytime at the Megaplex theater and they were starting to cut back hours. At first, I was upset about it. I needed as much work as I could get to pay for school. But when I heard the news of my Grandpa I was thrilled to not have to work. I spent Monday with my Mom in Grandpas room. To first see him the way he was, not able to move or really respond tore my mom and I apart inside. We slowly adjusted and shared our tears and laughter along with other family members that came. I also was able to visit on Tuesday. That same day we were told that they didn't think he would truly make it through the night let alone past dinner time. I had to leave for work but 45 minutes after leaving I was informed my grandfather had passed away. Having to look somewhat decent at work was not easy. I am so grateful for those two days that I was able to say goodbye for now and tell him I loved him. As hard as it was to see him go, we and Grandpa new it was time. The following Thursday I spend the afternoon In Logan Job searching, one of my least favorite things to do. After a few hours of what felt like useless paperwork and wasted time I decided to walk into Little Ceasars and fill out an application even though it was not on my list. As I was filling out an application, the manager noticed and came over. While looking over my almost completed application we began to talk, him asking about my past jobs and stuff. And that was basically it. they weren't desperate but he offered me the job for when I got back from my week visit to AZ. Not sure its the job I wanted but I was thrilled with relief that i'd have at least some kind of job waiting for me. Grandpas Funeral was the following Saturday. That week was full of sadness and happiness all in one. But I could see the Lords hand in it. He placed me in South Jordan close enough where I could be near family in time of need, close enough to see my grandfather and still work. Getting a job when my hopes were low. After spending the summer In South Jordan, working, with little social life, I am now back In Logan going to school. It is Great to be back in a social atmosphere. I especially missed the ward. A year and a half of college and still no chosen major but I’m slowly getting there. While some laugh that I work at Little Ceasars, I am actually quite enjoying it. I have made some great friends there and I have an awesome boss. With those friends I have made caramel apples, carved pumpkins, tie dyed shirts and we all dressed up for halloween. Its been a blast! The Lord knows where I need to be. And as hard as it is at first to accept the way things go, I can usually see the reason not too long after.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

HaPpY FaThEr'S DaY DAD!!!

since I am alone here at Snowbird at the moment, I thought I'd publicly say Happy Father's day to my wonderful Father! I could not ask for a better father than the one i already have. He is the most patient man I know. He makes the home a place of peace and refuge even when all his kids have moved out. Dad always seems to know what to do. He is always by my side when i need him helping me figure things out on my own and guiding me through difficult times. Dad, You have taught me so much.... riding my bike without training wheels, being grateful, respect for others and myself, patience, the value of work and Love. You have been there for me every step of the way both holding me close and letting me go. I am so Grateful for everything you are and everything you do!!

Happy Fathers Day DAD!!

I love you With all my heart!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life in South Jordan

So much has changed since my last post. I am now living back in my hometown, South Jordan.
My first two weeks here were spent picking up job applications, filling out applications, turning in applications, and interviews. Thanks to my mom for helping me fill out some of the many applications I had. They turned out to be a success. I now have a summer job working at Rumbi Island Grill nights and weekends and I am about to start at Megaplex theaters. I've got food and entertainment pretty much covered. Not completely my first choice jobs but I'm just grateful to have two jobs to save up for college and keep busy

I am living with long time family/friends that I've known since I was little. It's a lot more chaotic living around here since i'm so used to either living with a few roommates or just my parents. It is entertaining and I am enjoying having the company just about any where I go around here. Dinners are great together. lots of conversations and funny stories. Tonight I enjoyed the stories of my dad flashing, singing, feeding bad eggs, just being his happy self on various campouts. I can't help but miss dad when I here them! the once annoying singing has become something I miss and cherish being away from home.

One of the greatest things about being back in SoJo is being able to see many of my favorite people. I love being close to my siblings. Thanks to JoAnna for letting me stay at her house for over a week. It was great to hang out with her. I haven't had a chance to really hang out or see Cory yet but I sure hope I do more often. He always can make me laugh!
I now feel like I have 3 homes and families now. My own biological family, The Morley's, and the Roberts. Annette and Trish are my two other mom's. I love visiting the Roberts, playing with the kids I used to babysit, attending their performances or activities, running with Trish, eating good meals. When I was little I was always wanting to do something as a family, now I have that wherever I go =)

My entire family and I are Extremely happy to say Grant has finally been able to leave the hospital and go home! He is absolutely adorable! It is good to see him dressed in regular clothes. Check out his blog for pictures if you haven't already.